Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I just sent this piece off to my sister, who completed the Avon 39-mile walk for breast cancer in April. It's a Bent Creek design, stitched 2 over 2 on 28-count Wichelt Star Sapphire linen. The charted greens were a little too muted for me, so I selected my own from Gentle Arts Sampler Threads and also used the DMC variegated green (4035?) that has become my favorite all-purpose green.  I left off the white dots and buttons of the original--I thought it gave it too wintry a look. This sister is a green girl (as my mother would say; she remembered everyone's favorite color) and red birds are special to her.

The colors in the photo above are pretty accurate, but here's a view without the distortion:

I love the silver-painted wooden frame that the frame shop helped me pick out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I entered two cross-stitched pieces in this year's Indiana State Fair. This one won an Honorable Mention in the small (less than 100 square inches) category:
Framed area is about 8" x 8", stitched over 2 on 28-count Cashel (I think?) Willow. Design by Lori Markoviz for La-di-da. Frame from local thrift shop, painted black. The quote's from Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven," of course; I've had this hanging in my office for the past school year and decided on a whim to enter it.

And this one, I'm pleased to say, was awarded Second Prize in the intermediate (101 - 150 square inches) category:
The design area is about 9" x 12", stitched over 2 on Light Mocha Cashel. Design by Sandy Orton for Kooler Design Studio, published in The NeedleWorker, Summer 1998. (Obviously, unframed and unironed--I didn't get a picture of the professionally framed piece before I submitted it.) The verse is from the Book of Job, and I like it because it reminds me of how much we have to learn from creatures other than our human selves. 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

June SAL Small

The joke's on me. I was trying to do this for April and it was just too much stitching to get done at such a busy time of year . . . also May! This is "Sweet May Flowers" from Threadwork Primitives, stitched on 28-count Cashel that I hand-dyed. I changed the verse to a line from T. S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land that I always really feel as the semester's coming to a close!

Friday, April 1, 2016

March 2016 Small SAL

A tiny contribution to the Stitching Lotus SAL, and a day late at that. I'm overwhelmed with papers and exams to grade; it's a busy time of year for teachers.  This is a 2" x 2" design on aida, stitched from the design provided by Concern Worldwide's Stitch for Syria project. Just a little show of solidarity in this rough world. You can join by going to their website at https://www.concern.net/en/stitch-syria-help-refugees-our-cross-stitch-challenge to download their chart at no cost.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 2016 Small SAL

Ho ho ho! Not a February Valentine at all, but another tardy Christmas ornament. My February post to the stitching lotus SAL. I began this ornament in 2014 and it took Heather's deadline to get me to finish it. What is that???

From a Belgian Vervaco kit of three, 14-count (5.4 st/cm), 2 strands of floss. It arrived backed (a finished opening for stuffing) and with hanger, so a little dicey to stitch in places--which is probably exactly why I stopped after I did just a bit in the center. I'm pleased with it and now I want to do the other two--also Santas, one with a lantern on a staff and the other with a wrapped present, in the same colors.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 2016 Small SAL

My January "small" posted to stitchinglotus.ca. I did this on a lime green 28-count linen and there's beading, a first for me! I got about 30 stitches into this in 2012, and it has been languishing ever since. So glad for a reason to finish this Christmas leftover! Design by monsterbubbles, featured in 2008 JCS Christmas Ornaments issue.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I Plan to Blog

I dwell in Possibility-
A fairer House than Prose-

I posted these lines by Emily Dickinson on a blog that I began in 2009 . . . and then never posted another thing. This is so like me. Sometimes. Other times, not. I begin this blog again intending to explore the appeal, the dark seductive appeal, of incompleteness and to celebrate projecting. I like to read and write and make things. Even more, sometimes, I like to plan to read and write and make things.

I plan to be back here in a week.